Adding a Missing Column
Let's say we decide that our participants table needs an additional column for storing the participant's blog URL. This means we'll need to add a column to the database table, and we'll need to make sure that the various maintenance pages are updated to add support for this new column. Let's alter the file db/create.sql, adding the blog_url column. Let's save this file as create2.sql as shown here:
Obviously, this approach only works if there isn't important data already in the database table (as dropping the table wipes out the data it contains). That's fine during development, but in production we'd need to be careful.
The schema has changed, so our scaffold code is now out-of-date. As we've made no changes to the code, it's safe to regenerate it. Notice that the generate script prompts us when it's about to overwrite a file. We type
You can now enter the new data and the screen should look like this.
Technorati Tags: Adding a Missing Column
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drop table if exists participants;When I first created this file, I added a drop table command at the top of it. This now allows us to create a new (empty) schema instance with the command:
create table participants (
id int not null auto_increment,
name varchar(100) not null,
city text not null,
blog_url varchar(200) not null,
primary key (id)
mysql student <db/create2.sql
Obviously, this approach only works if there isn't important data already in the database table (as dropping the table wipes out the data it contains). That's fine during development, but in production we'd need to be careful.
The schema has changed, so our scaffold code is now out-of-date. As we've made no changes to the code, it's safe to regenerate it. Notice that the generate script prompts us when it's about to overwrite a file. We type
to indicate that it can overwrite all files. The command is:c:/rails/work/student>
ruby script/generate scaffold Participant Admin
You can now enter the new data and the screen should look like this.
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Technorati Tags: Adding a Missing Column
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C:\rails>mysql -u root -p student
Enter password: ********
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 28 to server version: 5.0.22-community-nt
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.
mysql> drop table if exists participants;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.14 sec)
mysql> create table participants (
-> id int not null auto_increment,
-> name varchar(100) not null,
-> city text not null,
-> blog_url varchar(200) not null,
-> primary key (id));
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.13 sec)
mysql> exit
C:\rails>ruby script/generate scaffold Participant admin
exists app/controllers/
exists app/helpers/
exists app/views/admin
exists test/functional/
dependency model
exists app/models/
exists test/unit/
exists test/fixtures/
identical app/models/participant.rb
identical test/unit/participant_test.rb
identical test/fixtures/participants.yml
overwrite app/views/admin/_form.rhtml? [Ynaq] Y
force app/views/admin/_form.rhtml
identical app/views/admin/list.rhtml
identical app/views/admin/show.rhtml
identical app/views/admin/new.rhtml
identical app/views/admin/edit.rhtml
identical app/controllers/admin_controller.rb
identical test/functional/admin_controller_test.rb
identical app/helpers/admin_helper.rb
identical app/views/layouts/admin.rhtml
identical public/stylesheets/scaffold.css
I suppose, we could also do an "alter table...add column..." to add a missing column without wiping out the entire database.
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